Staged Reading with Panel Discussion
Written by William Nour
Directed by Dipankar Mukherjee
In a post 9/11 America, flight attendant, Alex Khoury, a Palestinian who had left Israel to escape discrimination, mistrust, suspicion, and second-class existence, finds that he continues to be the target of such treatment in his newly adopted home.
Staged Reading, November 16-18, 2018
Performed By: Mohamed Khouli, Heidi Berg, Gary Geiken, Jawdy Obeid, Erika Kuhn, David Wasserman, Dan Britt
Curated panel discussion about anti-Arab racism, homophobia and post 9-11 America with Rabih Nahas, Sima Shakhsari and William Nour
Staged Reading, April 28-30, 2017
Part of Staged Readings of Three New Works
Performed By: Jawdy Obeid, Emily Zimmer, Daniel Sakamoto-Wengl, Heidi Berg, Garry Geiken
Made possible with the support of the Minnesota State Arts Board, Headwaters Foundation for Justice, Pangea World Theater and our many generous donors.