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Road to the City of Apples

Written by Kathryn Haddad

Directed by Dipankar Mukherjee 

Performed by Jawdy Obeid and WIlliam Nour


Haddad captured what is to me a quintessential Arab friendship...The dialogue between the two friends rang so true to me I found myself transported back to my father’s porch as neighbors debated the issue of the day.

Aisle Say, Twin Cities

Road to the City of Apples tells the story of Ahmed and Khairy - two undocumented Palestinians on a road trip from New Jersey to Wisconsin. Their individual stories intertwine as they discover the meaning of friendship and cope with changing cultural norms - both American and Arab on their winding road to an American dream. The Israeli occupation, gay rights, American treatment of Arabs and Muslims, and the plight of undocumented immigrants are explored in this show.  

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